Raising Native Cultural Awareness through WeChat: a case study with Chinese EFL students By Junjie Gavin Wu & Lindsay Miller

By Heidi, Xiang, Amy, Liz Imagine your English-speaking friends asking questions about Chinese food, but you can’t express yourself well in English. How can your cultural knowledge and English competency be improved? Photo by Chaliceks on Pixabay  Introduction  Owing to China’s Belt and Road Initiative, university language teachers should incorporate native cultural topics into the English […]

Multimodal Design for Our Writing (Building on On becoming facilitators of multimodal composing and digital design by Diane D. Belcher)

Edited by Jaclyn, Joyce, Ada and Bay If you are asked to write an essay in your L2, what comes to your mind first? Is it a piece of writing with lengthy sentences, elusive grammar, or large paragraphs? Or is it strictly structured like the five-paragraph essay sample below which is frequently used in our TOFEL and IELTS tests? Sometimes, it seems […]